Thursday, February 03, 2005

New word…..this hot off the Fortuna Wire…

Condoleeza Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English Condoleeza from American Condoleeza Rice: Lock of stiff hair that is inconsistent with the rest of one’s hairstyle. This phenomena typically occurs when a portion of out grown bangs or layered hair at the hairline is pressed with a flat iron and or curling iron. It is illustrated as follows:

The condoleeza is close cousins with crispy hair and even flirts with the mullet. It is not to be trusted and in the event that you find yourself battling your very own condoleeza, head for the nearest hair accessory or tool (pick, comb, brush, etc.) as quickly as possible. Fingers will do the trick in an emergency. Although this is not a new topic, it is a very new issue for me. On the way to work the other day I realized that my current method of styling my hair may make me susceptible to having a condoleeza. As I approached Broadway Road from the 101 Loop (very dangerous lane change by the way), I glanced in the rearview and was horrified to confirm that I did in fact have a condoleeza.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its a mest-up name