Monday, July 18, 2005

Beautiful Eyes

I had a fantastic time in San Francisco with Alisa and Katherine. It was a lovely trip. My newest fascinations is with this artist Diane Keane. Her paintings are so touching. I absolutely fell in love with this one called "Rosebud" (second image). More pics from the trip will be posted shortly.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Best for Life

Body for Life and I get along really well. I guess it was "my time" to start - you can't do it unless you're ready and I was ready!!!! I am so hooked to this program. I am nearing the end of my first week and feel soooo good. I don't recall feeling this energized (without caffeine or some appetite suppressant) during my adult life. This week I've eaten some of my favorite foods with a few modifications: Chicken (skinless breast) Broccoli (hands down favorite) Rice (brown vs. white) My sweet tooth has been satiated with Luna bars. There are tons to choose from and they are loaded with nutrients, protein (albeit soy), and other good for you stuff (or better for you stuff) like rice flour and other rice based ingredients instead of white flour. My favorite is the Peppermint Chocolate flavor. It's like a chocolate rice krispy bar with mint coating - awesome combo. Anyway, I know that I sound like some freak on an informercial so I'll stop now.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Well, I am off to SF this weekend for some quality time with Alisa and Katherine. I am really excited about travelling with them - it should be a great visit. Sometimes I feel like my life is as crazy as Lombard st (hence the picture). Always on the go, 50 things going on at once. After NYC in September I am going to lay low....wait I just remembered my BIG trip with my Mom over Thanksgiving. Yes, we're doing Europe. Should be fun, albeit chaotic. I am really looking forward to it. So, just when I think my life will begin to resemble, oh, say, Main St. USA, yeah, forget it. Not happening. My crazy life.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Reality Check

I just watched True Life: I'm Dirt Poor on MTV. One of the guys on the show had no running water in his house. Here I am wondering where to eat tonight.