Saturday, December 25, 2004

Cooking in America

My grandmother made her very first batch of cookies today at 71 years of age. She started by asking me whether the dough balls were too close together on the baking sheet. After 13 minutes she asked me to check them---they were not quite done yet, so I told her to give them a few more minutes. After 3 minutes I hear a shout from the kitchen (rousing me from my handbag daydreaming on the couch) "See! They are burned!" I assured her that they were not burned, and that yes, they were ready to be taken out. She "tested" them by poking one with her finger and told me that she didn't think they were done because they were still soft. Then she said, "oh, do they harden once they cool? Is that how it works?" When asked why she had never made cookies before she said that it was "a waste of time". Classic. I love her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Grandmother has the same kitchen. Oh my god...creepy.