Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Texts of the Quarter

A few of my favorite texts from Fall/Winter 2006:

"In line with drunky"

"Remember how you said I should date a doctor..."

"We didn't talk about anything except gym bacteria"

"Where am I posta vote?"

"Yeah, foochie fab!"

"Hahahaha so burby!"

"Someone stole (girl's name)'s credit card and charged a $7,000

"The worst part is the cute guy that I think I gave my wrong number to"

"I am in the basement"

"I don't know what a gif card is, or what a malk is, but yeah, that
sounds like a decent idea."

"Are you the tutor or the tutee?"

"You are such a c-unit!"

And finally....

"If a big fat man comes to your house in the middle of the night and
stuffs you in a bag, don't freak out. I told Santa I wanted you for

In the words of someone in the great state o' Texas, "happy holidays

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