Thursday, February 10, 2005

"Lorena, please come to the principal's office"

Oh. My. God. I got a phone call yesterday from the principal at good old MVHS (Monte Vista for those of you not in the know). Immediately my heart started racing as if I were getting busted for ditching Geometry with that icky wrestling coach turned teacher (name escapes me, getting old). Turns out he was returning a message I had left for his secretary (yes, they still call them that apparently) regarding my pet project. Yes, again for those of you not in the know-sorry, you'll have to wait and see cuz' I don't want to spoil it. Anyway, it was creepy talking to the principal (thank god it wasn't Ms. Nowak who was my principal). I mean, it seemed really adult like, you know? Coincidentally everytime I type/write the word principal I hear my mother's hints on spelling: "the school principal is P-R-I-N-C-I-P-A-L: always remember he's your PAL". As opposed to the other principle...whatever works, ok?

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